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North Improvement's COVID-19

Insurance Information Center

The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), has impacted not only our lives and businesses, but also how state regulators throughout the USA are temporarily handling certain insurance requirements, such as when some payments are due and what insurance carriers must and are choosing to offer to customers/clients facing financial hardship and lifestyle changes due to COVID-19.
The below is a non-exhaustive list of state announcements pertaining only to certain Property & Casualty insurance products that may or may not impact you and/or your polic(y/ies) and premiums. We also provide a list of information about/from carriers with plans to provide partial personal automobile insurance policy premium refunds due to reduced driving.
If you are a client of ours, we have checked in on you, your family and/or your business and we will continue to do so, during the pandemic and after. We will also continue to notify you of changes that may be impacting the state(s) in which you have an insurance policy or policies
If you are not a client of ours and have questions about your existing policies, please contact your current broker, carrier, or your state regulatory department(s) for assistance, and if you are interested in purchasing new or additional coverage or having us become your broker, we remain open for business and ready to help!
COVID-19 Bulletins & Additional State Regulatory Documents/Information
(Listing only states where we actively do business)
Connecticut: Premium Payment Extensions & Partial Commercial Auto Coverage Extension
Florida: General Bulletin & Workers Compensation Notice
(bulletin includes premium grace period info, auto coverage extensions and more)
Georgia: Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner Directive
Illinois: DOI Bulletin & DOI FAQ + Additional Links
Maine: Maine PFR P&C Bulletin
New Jersey: DOBI Bulletin
New Hampshire: NH.Gov Informational Page
New York: Announcement/Bulletin & Emergency Regulation FAQ
Vermont: DFR Guidance & Announcements
Virginia: VA SCC Commissioner Guidance & General COVID-19 Response Links
Carrier Premium Refund Plans*
*all subject to state regulatory approval, and thus far have been offered optionally by carriers, not mandated by states (aside from CA) 
(first listing press release links of companies we work with directly or indirectly that have announced plans)
Links For Additional Plans From Carriers' That You May Have Policies With Directly Or Through Another Broker**:
**Only including links, as these lists are dynamic and being updated as carriers make announcements
NJ Specific List (
(many NJ carriers write nationally or regionally) 
Insurance Journal List
(some repeats from list, plus many additional carriers & more info)
California Specific***
***CA insurance commission has mandated premium refunds on several lines of business (carriers may dispute aspects)
Article Outlining CA Commissioner Requirements
Excerpt From CA Article: The order affects six different types of insurance: private passenger automobile, commercial automobile, workers' compensation, commercial multi-peril, commercial liability, medical malpractice, and any other insurance line "where the risk of loss has fallen substantially as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic."
Disclaimer: We have elected to not include links pertaining directly to business interruption coverage caused by COVID-19 and government actions pertaining to the pandemic. This is out of an abundance of caution, and to avoid any confusion. If you have questions about how your business is or is not covered for interruption caused by the pandemic, please contact us or your broker/carrier directly.
State Lists
Carrier Premium Plans
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